Not so long ago, I had the chance of watching an episode of Jordi Evole´s program on TV, in which he had travelled to Denmark to compare their political situation with ours. The results were spectacular: none of the people asked knew about the last case of corruption in their country.
It looks like a different world. In Spain, it is frequent to find a new scandal on the news. The weird politicians are the honest ones, and that´s partially a reflection of our weak penitentiary laws. It´s intolerable that lying to a judge is not considered an aggravant of penalty or that a political party, just for having the majority of votes, can make the laws at their pleasure without any restriction. And that is happening today.
We have to do something. We have to change the rules of the game, starting by revising our Constitution, which is not perfect and untouchable as most people think it is, and make it mature. When we do this, we could maybe get confused when someone asks us about corruption.

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